My Sister locks Blues
Oh yeah, blue is what I am. For the past several weeks I've been a little down about my locks. In fact, last night I awakened in a panic. I was dreaming that I woke up and found hundreds of broken locks on my pillow.
I’m sure that dream was a result of a problem I am dealing with in my waking life: thinning and breaking locks. It usually begins thinning midway up the lock. At that point, its a matter of time before it breaks off or is taken off by Akilah. Grrrr. I get so frustrated, and feel as if my lock progress is going backward. I have between 570-585 locks. They measure 3. inches long (unstretched) around the crown, and 4-5 inches everywhere else. Then, of course, I now have several 1 inch length locks as a result of the breakage.
I have to admit, though, that my hair was not in the best condition before my locks were installed. Because of my disdain for Beauticians, it had been well over 3 years since I had a professional trim or a really good condition, the type you can only get at the salon. Also, I had heat damage from all the blow drying.
On a more positive note, the now 1 inch locks appear uniform in diameter an seem to be stronger. I guess I will have to be even more patient and ride this out. Furthermore I've noticed that my locks appear shorter than before. My younger sister, aka Helga says this is normal and part of the shrinkage process. I sure hope so.
I could really use some love, encouragement, and advice. I've been too down to even post a picture of myself. I will next time. Peace.