Wednesday, March 28, 2007

-Hair, Hair, and more hair!-

Hey S.L Sista's. Today I am 11 weeks locked and still quite satisfied with the process. Last week at my retightening seson, Akilah, my loctitian told me that quite a few areas have already locked. Horray ^_^

This past weekend, my daughter turned 15. My sister and I took her and several of her friends to San Francisco. While there, the weather turned grey with thick, heavy, and windy mist. No problem, my sisterlocks held up just fine. I just finished reading "Hair Story: Untangling the Roots of Black Hair in America." It was written in 2001, not so new, but it sure was insightful. As a people with our "hair thang" we've come a long way, but much work still needs to be done. Has anyone else read the book or have any other good books to suggest on this subject?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

More Happy Days

On my last posting I mentioned about how I got together with friends and family in the bay area. Well, here are more happy moments. My sister's and I got together to take out my youngest sister, aka "Helga", out for her thirty something year old birthday. Boy did we have fun!

We went to the "Havana" a Cuban restaurant in the Walnut Creek area. Can you spot Helga? I was so impressed and encouraged to see how her locks had matured. She has had her's for almost 9 months. At first, she was so concerned about the thinness of her hair, but now has thickened up nicely. The three girls in the pictures are my nieces, and my son is sitting next to me. The lady in the back on the left side is my second oldest sister, Carol. We are working on her to get sisterlocks (-: The food was great, and I couldn't keep still hearing the Cuban music playing in the background. Great atmosophere.

(carol, ashley. and alyssa ("tweety"). This is my daughter Brittani. She was getting
her hair braided during the festivities. Any
hints on how I can get her to get sl's?

Monday, March 12, 2007

Oh Happy Day!

Hey All. What a beautiful weekend it was. My kids and I went to the Bay area to visit family and friends. While there I visited a dear nursing school friend, Soon Hee. We hadn't seen each other for about a year, so it was so good to connect and get caught up on all the hap's. We both graduated
from San Jose State University in 1990.

We both have worked in maternal child health for most of our nursing career. Oh, and by the way, she liked my new do. So now I am 10 weeks locked up. Still so very happy about the whole thing. I am noticing that a few of mylocks have a mind of their own. I suppose that is part of the process. My beautician tried the braid out style, and I really like it.